Gore Greats: ‘Cub’ director Jonas Govaerts picks his favourite gory movie moment

Jonas Govaerts on the set of horror film Cub

Jonas Govaerts on the set of horror film Cub
Photo: Erik De Cnodder

In the latest installment of our #GoreGreats series, Jonas Govaerts – director of Belgian horror film Cub – picks his favourite gory movie moment in the history of cinema.

Jonas chose an iconic moment from Sam Raimi’s darkly comedic 1987 horror classic Evil Dead 2.

Battling off an onslaught of Deadites, Ash (Bruce Campbell) finds himself locked in conflict with his own hand. Spotting a nearby chainsaw, Ash is forced to take drastic and incredibly violent measures in order to survive.

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Gore Greats: ‘Kristy’ director Olly Blackburn picks his favourite gory movie moment

British horror director Olly Blackburn on the set of Donkey Punch

Olly Blackburn on the set of Donkey Punch

In the first installment of our #GoreGreats series, British horror director Olly Blackburn told The Gore Gaze about his favourite gory movie moment.

Olly wrote and directed the brutal 2008 horror-thriller Donkey Punch and his innovative campus slasher Kristy just had its UK premiere at the BFI London Film Festival.

For his favourite gory movie moment, Olly looked back to Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic Alien. It will come as no surprise that the moment in question is the iconic “chestburster” sequence, in which a creature violently explodes from the chest of Kane (John Hurt) at the dinner table.

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